
Brisbane North Hockey Centre


This Website contains information and details relevant to the Brisbane North Hockey Centre (Burringbar Park) at Chermside, which is operated and managed by the Brisbane Hockey Management Group (BHMG).

Venue News

Posted 09 Jun 2023 by Webmaster
Return to Headlines

This is a copy of an email that has been circulated to all Brisbane North Hockey Centre (BNHC), Burringbar Park Users on 9 June 2023.

Please be reminded that as per the User Manual :

3. First Aid

  • The hirer is responsible for any provision of a qualified first aid attendant or sports trainer and first aid kit.
  • If an ambulance is required, the hirer should call them. The Duty Supervisor should then be informed, and they will assist in allowing safe access to the facility for the ambulance.
  • Ice is available for emergency First Aid, please ask the Duty Supervisor. Individuals or clubs using the facility when no supervisor is on duty, should bring their own injury ice.
  • Any individual that sustains a bleeding injury shall move or be removed from the turf as soon as possible.
  • Any blood stains on the turf must be reported to BP staff to allow cleaning or be cleaned by the hirer if no supervisor is available.
  • Playing or training persons shall not take the field with bleeding or weeping wounds or wounds that are not adequately covered.
  • Blood contaminated clothing is not to be worn on the turf.

Please do not ask the BNHC or canteen staff for first aid items (band aids, paracetamol etc), it is your responsibility to provide these for your attendees.

Many thanks,

Kathleen Proctor
Brisbane Hockey Management Group Inc.

Item updated: 09 Jun 2023 - Return to Headlines


The Brisbane Hockey Management Group Inc (BHMG) is an initiative of the Brisbane Hockey Association Inc (BHA), the Brisbane Women's Hockey Association Inc (BWHA) and Kedron Wavell Services Hockey Club Inc (KWS) to jointly manage the Brisbane North Hockey Centre (Burringbar Park) facility at Chermside.

To make general enquiries or enquiries regarding signage please visit the Contact BHMG page.

To view the names of the current BHMG Board of Management please refer to the list on the About BHMG page.

To make a booking or related enquiry please use the form provided under Field Hire (preferred). The current Field Hire Rosters and the Field Hire Rates can also be found under the Field Hire section. Hire Agreement forms, the User Manual and the BHMG Rules documents can be found under Docs & Forms .

(Site photos are courtesy of Ron Marsden, Andrew Blanchard & Hockey Photos Brisbane (HPB). )

The Surface

The artifical surface at Burringbar is Poligras "Olympia", supplied and installed by Sports Technology International (STI). The National Sales Manager is Rob Kirkwood. Rob can be contacted by email or via his mobile on 0417 224 870.

Brisbane Hockey Management Group Inc
ABN: 17 153 939 898
Email: BHMG Secretary

Brisbane North Hockey
Centre (Burringbar Park)
Kittyhawk Drive

Tap  BNHC Location for map

Contact Onsite Staff

when facility is open
on: 0493 644 046

Facility Manager
during normal business
hours only: 0493 563 937

Postal: PO Box 2005
Q 4032

Weather Info Services
      BoM - Forecasts
            Rain Radar
                 Storm Tracker
Energex - Lightning Tracker