
Field Hire Rosters

All bookings are to be made through the Facilities Manager. Use the Field Hire Enquiry form on this page .


    Field Hire Rosters include:

    • BHA/BWHA Fixtures
    • Representative Team Training
    • Club Training
    • School Competitions
    • etc

    View these live, up-to-date field hire roster sheets, month by month.

    <<=  1. Select a month to view from the side menu !

             2. To scroll your view of the rosters, do one of the following:

    • On a desktop, tap with your mouse pointer anywhere within the spreadsheet, then use your cursor (arrow) keys to move about;
    • On a laptop, same as desktop, or using the touchpad, scroll in any direction with two (2) fingers, i.e. down, up, left and right;
    • On a tablet or phone, same as for the touchpad, i.e. scroll in any direction with two (2) fingers, i.e. down, up, left and right.
      Note that while some devices may not follow the above standards, the majority do!

    Please note the following points.

    • After you have selected a month its roster opens in a new window (or tab) and that:
      • we are using Google Drive to display the rosters and it will sometimes take a few moments to load;
      • you use the browser's scroll-bars to view more of the sheet;
      • you can close the window (or tab) to return to the BHMG Website.
    • Select Field Hire Rates for the current schedule of fees and charges.
    • Select Field Hire Enquiry to make a specific enquiry regarding the hiring of a field or half-field.
    • Should you need to directly contact the Facility Supervisor please refer to the Contact BHMG page.

    Google Sheets
    Our Field Hire Rosters are created using Google Sheets, the online Google spreadsheet app. The Google Sheets spreadsheets are hosted in Google Drive. See the info panel for more about this.

    Brisbane Hockey Management Group Inc
    ABN: 17 153 939 898
    Email: BHMG Secretary

    Brisbane North Hockey
    Centre (Burringbar Park)
    Kittyhawk Drive
    CHERMSIDE Q 4032

    Tap  BNHC Location for map

    Contact Onsite Staff

    when facility is open
    on: 0493 644 046

    Facility Manager
    during normal business
    hours only: 0493 563 937

    Postal: PO Box 2005
    Q 4032

    Google Drive
    Unfortunately some employers (schools, banks, etc) block access to services such as Google Drive from within their networks by default. If this is the case with your login at your workplace then you may need to ask (school Principal, IT unit, etc) for access.

    Otherwise use your smart phone or tablet, or a PC outside of your employer's network to access this site and view the rosters.

    It's even easier if you have your own Google (gmail) account? If you don't then you can get your free Google account - here !